Studies found on by a search of: organoids | First posted in the last 14 days is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world.
RSS feeds Clinical Trials gov
- PREVENPANC Project: a Spanish Multicenter Study for Pancreatic Cancer Prevention 7 janvier 2025Conditions: Pancreatic Cancer, Adult; Hereditary Pancreatic Cancer; Familial Pancreatic Cancer Interventions: Genetic: Multigene panel; Diagnostic Test: Other; Diagnostic Test: miRNA measurement in blood; Genetic: Generation of 3D Pancreatic Organoids Sponsors: Hospital Clinic of Barcelona; Hospital Universitario de Canarias; Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla; Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal; Hospital Universitario Cruces; Hospital Universitario de Puerta […]
- Using a 3D Culture Model for Circulating Tumor Cells Combined With Molecular Bioassays in Patients With HNSCC Cancer 1 janvier 2025Conditions: Circulating Tumor Cell; HNSCC Interventions: Other: Organoid 3D culture Sponsors: Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Recruiting
Studies found on ClinicalTrials EU by a search of: organoids
The EU Clinical Trials Register currently displays 38607 clinical trials with a EudraCT protocol, of which 6345 are clinical trials conducted with subjects less than 18 years old. The register also displays information on 18700 older paediatric trials (in scope of Article 45 of the Paediatric Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006).
About this website
The 3D-Hub-O website was created on an independent initiative, publications reflect only the views of the project owner.
Email :
Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille
27 bd Lei Roure
13273 Marseille cedex 09
Scientific manager: Géraldine GUASCH
Technical manager: Véronique CHEVRIER