Network of 18 platforms for researchers, clinicians and pharmaceutical companies
List of services offered by the platform:
Experimental protocol design and realization*
Training in organoid cultures: create, expand, analyze and cryopreserve organoids*
Culture of organoids (L2) from normal, tumoral, mouse or human tissues in two different techniques (in a Matrigel drop, or on top of a collagen-coated filter) depending on the user goal*.
Culture in special chamber if the user wants to analyze on his own by whole mount immunostaining*
Expansion of organoid culture after enzymatic dissociation for amplification*
Kinetic imaging of culture in brightfield or GFP/RFP filters*
Fixation and inclusion for future histological analysis by the user*
Freezing of organoids for future culture experiment by the user*
Manipulation of organoids include: lentiviral infection, electroporation*
Drug testing and analysis of the sensitivity of the drug using viability test with CellTiter Glo Assay or RealTime-Glo MT Assay or cytotoxicity test using CytoTOX-Glo assays*
Quantification and analysis of organoids using the Celleste software**
Transparization for whole mount and analysis by the user with light sheet microscopy*
Culture of normal and tumoral organoids with long-term conservation of immune cells**
Constitution of clinically annotated biobanks from patient-derived organoids from rectum, colon and livers cancers**
Quotations and prices are available on request from the platform.
* list of available services
** in development, will be in service later