Organoids as a new model for improving regenerative medicine and personalized therapy
Organoids as a new model for improving regenerative medicine and personalized therapy
Organoids mimic the original tissue architecture in vitro and therefore they represent an excellent model for tissue engineering studies. In the recent years, research work has shown promising therapy using organoids for patients with severe gastrointestinal epithelial injuries.
Using animals that mimic a particular disease, transplantation of organoid has shown potential to repair and generate tissue
Organoids are excellent system to model all type of diseases involving a genetic mutation, or deregulated homeostasis to study mechanisms of organ development, homeostasis and tumorigenesis.
On average, only one in three patients responds to the anti-cancer treatment offered to them. Biobanking of organoid-derived from patient tumors offers an ideal system to study drug resistance and to develop personalized medicine
Safety assessment of a drug requires testing them on normal tissues. Many studies showed that animal models are not predictive of drug safety in humans. Instead, organoids can be directly derived from normal tissues including human liver, intestine, kidney and other organs relevant for safety.